Coconut Peanut Butter Drizzle Kit

yield: 24-50 cookies
Bake the tastiest treats for your pup with this recipe you’re sure to please even the pickiest doggy.

We partnered with Poochie Butter to bring you a full jar of their amazing doggy peanut butter.

Super easy and fun to make for kiddos with their pups.


/free shipping


Pro Tip from Chef Mel

Roll out the dough between 2 sheets of parchment and freeze it for 10 minutes to firm up the dough. Then take it out and cut your doggy bones push down to cut neatly.
Place back in the freezer as your oven pre heats to get the perfect treats.

Allow them to cool before drizzling with a little peanut butter and coconut oil. Store them in an airtight container up to 2 weeks If they last that long! They’re Purfect

From Your Kitchen 

Included in Your Kit Ingredients 

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